Call for posters 'Emerging research'

In addition to the 30 proposals selected, the organising committee wishes to devote specific time to emerging research in the geography of mediation, and in particular to the work of young researchers who are working on their PHD or who have just defended their PHD.

The two sessions will take an open format in order to facilitate exchanges and the dynamics of reflection.

Young researchers wishing to take part in the conference are invited to submit their proposal in the form of posters, which will be displayed in the conference area. These posters will be used as a basis for the two sessions devoted to the concluding discussions of the event. The text of the call for papers is available on the conference's sciencesconf website

The poster proposal must highlight the issues between mediation and geography and may take many different and original formats: iconographic representations of all types (photographs, drawings, maps, comic strips, etc.), but also sound or video recordings/creations (with a QR code on the poster). Each poster must be accompanied by a statement of intent (between 5,000 and 10,000 characters) explaining the approach to questioning mediation in geography.

Proposals may cover the following aspects

  • Commentary on iconographic productions
  • Research notes or field reports
  • Presentation and analysis of a tool, approach, concept or situation
  • Production of a graphic representation
  • Proposal linking the arts and geography
  • Performance

The scientific exchange sessions will be organised in a hybrid and multilingual format. Posters and notes of intent may therefore be submitted in different languages; the committee will take care of translation issues.

Two publishing processes:

The aim of these scientific sessions is to provide an opportunity for collaborative writing and the co-construction of a book on geographical mediation. The posters will be a first element of reflection to feed the architecture of this book, encouraging the multiplicity of forms of writing and iconographic approaches.

At the same time, the collective discussion will make it possible to co-write the concluding chapter of the conference proceedings, which will be published by the Presses de Sorbonne Université and by an English-language publisher.

A tight schedule:

Proposals are due by 15 November 2024 via the sciencesconf platform: Médiation·s - Select categories "Poster" and session "Mediations and geographies Emerging Research".

The scientific committee will select the proposals on 2 December 2024 and will be responsible for printing the posters.

The sessions will take place on the afternoon of 24 January 2025 in Paris.


Registration fee:

The registration fee for the conference is 60 euros for doctoral students and young doctors.

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